Restrict To Download Resources

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Project Manager

Jul 7, 2022
I just purchased this addon and it doesn't work at all the feature Added a permission for limit the number of downloads per day

The usergroup haves the rights to download resources, i set on your addon permissions Can download x resources per day: 100 and the user can't download.
Whe it clicks to download the resource it gets You have reached the maximum number of downloads per day.

It's demo account so it hasn'r reached the 100 downloads per day
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May 22, 2022
I just purchased this addon and it doesn't work at all the feature Added a permission for limit the number of downloads per day

The usergroup haves the rights to download resources, i set on your addon permissions Can download x resources per day: 100 and the user can't download.
Whe it clicks to download the resource it gets You have reached the maximum number of downloads per day.

It's demo account so it hasn'r reached the 100 downloads per day

Yes, the same thing happens to me, it says that the user reached the limit

I "solved" it by activating "bypass download limit", now you can download, and the restrictions by posts, likes work

But it does not allow to limit the number of downloads per day

Please @XenConcept check this issue, thank you