Siropu Chat - Vote ban

Siropu Chat - Vote ban 2.0.0

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Release date
Last update
Initial support
12 months
Renewal price

Feature summary

  • Usergoup permission
  • Number of votes
  • Ban hours

Product details

This add-on lets you allow your members to vote to ban other members!

ATTENTION: you must have Siropu chat add-on for use this add-on !

A Usergroup permission allows you to set who can vote to ban a member.

In the add-on options, you can determine the necessary number of votes so that members be banned and the number of hours of banishment.

When the number of votes happened to the value set by the adminsitrateur, the member concerned is banned for a fixed time. The banned user receives an alert explaining that he was banned by the members and the duration of his banishment.


